About Dave

Dave was born in Abington, Massachusetts in August, 1963. His family was not involved in real estate.

Starting out as a rock band singer and struggling landscaper with no experience in construction, Dave accepted an opportunity to renovate a foreclosed house for a local bank during the winter, when there was no landscaping to do in Boston. After completing the first house, he did another. After getting over his initial fears, Dave began to buy and hold small apartment buildings for himself.

Within 14 months, Dave’s apartment buildings created spendable cash flow of $10,300 a month for himself and his family. Within three and a half years, Dave became a multi-millionaire.

It’s now been eleven years. Dave has two businesses: RE Mentor, which focuses on helping investors around the country become financially free through real estate; and The Lindahl Group, which acquires real estate across the U.S. Dave have done more than 540 real estate transactions. He currently owns or partners in more than 3,400 apartment units across the U.S., representing more than $143 million of real estate.